Never Teach Prepositions in Spanish Again Without These 5 Activities

I remember teaching prepositions in Spanish when I first taught Spanish 2. It accompanied a unit for places around town and giving directions. I felt like we spent the entire unit just staring at maps and describing the location of each place, then giving directions from A to B. I was bored, and I knew […]
15 New and Exciting Ways to Play Would You Rather for Kids on the First Day of School

When you hear the words “first day of school,” do you cringe, get butterflies, smile, or maybe cry? The first day of school is one of the most important days when building relationships with students. Teachers must use this valuable time together to get to know each student on a personal level. One of my […]
Using Stations in Spanish Class
Keeping students engaged for an entire class can be a challenge, especially with block scheduling. One way I like to keep students actively engaged for 87 minutes is with stations. Depending on your class size and length of class period, you may need 3-6 stations per class. Here are my suggestions for implementing stations: Make […]
Improve Your Spanish Students’ Interpersonal Communication Skills with These Tips

Developing interpersonal communication skills is probably the skill our students dread most about Spanish class. Speaking spontaneously in the language without prep time can be nerve-wracking. So, let’s learn how we can make interpersonal communication easier and less stressful while increasing proficiency. This is blog 4 of 5 in a 5-part blog series on teaching […]
5 Interpersonal Activities for the World Language Classroom
Using the communicative mode in a world language classroom requires coming up with many authentic activities for our students to use the target language. For me, designing interpretive and presentational assessments and activities is not as hard as coming up with new and innovative interpersonal activities. So, I will share with you some alternate interpersonal […]