How I Spy Books Improved the Way I Teach Direct Object Pronouns in Spanish

I remember the first time I taught direct object pronouns in Spanish 3 Honors. I also incorporated indirect object pronouns. My students left that lesson more confused than when we started. I felt like I failed them. The lesson included wayyyy too much info; I was expecting them to grasp a grammatical concept that was […]

The Best Children’s Books Spanish Teachers Can Use to Teach Grammar

In modern foreign language pedagogy, we tend to not teach “grammar” directly. We want our students to naturally acquire grammar through comprehensible input and authentic texts. One of the best strategies to do this is with children’s books spanish lessons. Children’s books tend to use repetition of similar phrases and sentence structure over and over […]

How to Teach Preterite vs Imperfect in Spanish in a Foolproof Way

preterite vs imperfect spanish lessons

The dreaded preterite vs imperfect lesson… we all know you can do boring grammar drills to hone in on the difference between preterite and imperfect.  But will that teach your students how to communicate using these past tense conjugations? After a few years of teaching preterite vs imperfect to my Spanish 3 students, I have […]

How to teach Verbs Like Gustar in a Student-Centered and Engaging Way

verbs like gustar in a student centered way

Are you struggling to teach verbs like gustar to your Spanish students in a more engaging, student-centered way? Do you find yourself bored with using typical grammar activities, like fill-in-the-blank and mundane worksheets? Verbs like gustar are usually some of the first “grammar” lessons that our students encounter in the target language, and we don’t […]