How to Easily Survive Back to School Night as a Teacher

Do you dread Back to School Night or Meet the Teacher Night as much as I do? After a long day of teaching, you need to go back to your classroom and share your expectations, rules, syllabus, and more all in about 10 minutes to a group of parents. Back to School Night can be […]
The ONLY Comprehensible Input Spanish Lesson You Need for the First Day of School

Do you remember being in high school and every single class spent the first day going over the syllabus, expectations, and doing an icebreaker? By the end of the day, you couldn’t take it anymore! This year, try switching things up and begin the first day of Spanish class with a comprehensible input lesson. I […]
11 Valuable Classroom Organization Tips for a Crazy School Year

It’s summer. You have your classroom organization strategies in mind, and you are envisioning a beautifully-inspired Pinterest classroom. You purchase the cute new cactus theme bulletin board; you display your classroom library with the latest books on the top shelf, and you have your monthly calendar color-coded. Fast forward to October. Your desk is covered […]
15 New and Exciting Ways to Play Would You Rather for Kids on the First Day of School

When you hear the words “first day of school,” do you cringe, get butterflies, smile, or maybe cry? The first day of school is one of the most important days when building relationships with students. Teachers must use this valuable time together to get to know each student on a personal level. One of my […]
9 Digital Icebreaker Activities to Get to Know Your Students Better

The first day of school still makes me nervous. And the term “icebreaker” puts knots in my stomach. So I’ve learned to make these digital icebreaker first day of school activities as low-pressure and fun as possible. Now, with the possibility of trying to “meet” our students virtually and develop relationships, we have to consider […]