5 Awesome (and super easy!) World Language Sub Plans Lessons
As a teacher you know it is more stressful to take a day off than it is to be at school with your students. Planning lessons for a sub is mentally exhausting, so take some of that stress away by using some of these easy ideas. They can easily be tied to your current unit, […]
10 World Language Vocabulary Activities
Shake up your vocabulary lessons with some of these fun, exciting activities! Each game or activity below can be altered to fit the proficiency level of your students. If you have novice level students, use lots of images and words. For those with intermediate to advanced students, try to incorporate definitions to challenge your students! […]
Combining Three Modes of Communication
Well we made it to part 5 of the 5 part blog! Now that I’ve outlined the best ways to create and implement interpretive, presentational, and interpersonal tasks, how do we combine them? My favorite and I think the best idea: Integrated Performance Assessments. It is a 3 part test based on an authentic prompt […]
How to Find and Create Authentic Interpretive Tasks for Spanish Class
This is part two of a five part blog series teaching you all about the three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentation. Interpretive tasks assess a student’s ability to interpret and understand a written text or audio. Finding authentic and comprehensible interpretive resources in the target language can be challenging. Keep reading to learn […]
Teaching Countries and Capitals in Spanish Class
One of the most common units amongst all beginner Spanish classes is “Travel.” And, how do we usually introduce it? With the countries and capitals of all Spanish-speaking countries. This year, I will be introducing the countries and capitals during the first few lessons of the travel unit. Then, students will form pairs, choose a […]
My Favorite Lessons and Activities to Teach Art in Spanish Class
If I could design my perfect Spanish course to teach, it would be to teach art in Spanish. Ever since I first started teaching a Beauty and Aesthetics unit in a Spanish 3 course, I realized that when I teach art is when I am happiest and when I feel like I am the best […]
First Day of Spanish Class
I cannot believe it is already August. School will be here before we know it, so for those of you already thinking about how to spice up your first day of school, here are some ideas! Day one is all about having fun and building relationships. Create a fun, engaging classroom environment on the […]
Activities for Reading Comprehension in the World Language Classroom
How boring is it to read a passage, article, or story and just do reading comprehension questions? You can only do this so many times before the students start to lose interest. When reading, it is important to become invested in the passage and to really analyze it. Here are some ideas for reading comprehension […]
5 Activities for Using Word Clouds in the World Language Classroom
When teachers make an activity that we love we want to use it and reuse it. Why not? I mean we are proud of what we created and we don’t want it to sit in a filing cabinet or buried under piles of papers on our desks. So, when an activity or resource can serve […]
Why students and teachers love Quizlet!
Quizlet is one of my favorite classroom technology tools, and guess what – it is one of my students’ favorites, too! From being user-friendly to interactive, it is made for everyone. Here are my top reasons why I’m using Quizlet in the world language classroom and you should be too. 1. You don’t need to […]