7 Authentic Activities to Make Your Spanish House Unit More Exciting

I want you to think about your current Spanish House unit. You know, the one where you include the traditional la casa vocabulary, like rooms of the house, furniture, and chores. How exciting are your lesson plans within this unit? How many authentic resources do you use to incorporate culture into your Spanish house unit? […]
La Quinceanera in Spanish Class: Authentic Resources and Lessons

Many Spanish teachers share about la quinceanera in Spanish class and its relevance to Latino culture. So, if you are a Spanish teacher looking to share about La quinceañera in Spanish class, keep reading to discover my favorite books and videos that can be used in the classroom. Then, I share authentic and engaging lesson […]
Authentic Resources to Make Your School Unit in Spanish Class Practical and Memorable

In every Spanish curriculum, you will find a school unit… teaching about classes, teachers, prepositions of place, and more. But, aside from teaching the traditional school vocabulary in a unit on “la escuela,” we want to provide our students with authentic resources that show what school is like around the world. With this comprehensive list […]
5 Useful End of Year Activities to Wrap Up Spanish Class

What do your lesson plans look like for the last few weeks of the school year? With your end of year activities, are you trying to find ways to assess proficiency and give students the chance to show you everything they learned? Trying to squeeze all of this in can be daunting. Try one (or […]
Authentic Activities for a Spain Lesson Plan That Will Wow Your Students

Do you teach about specific Spanish-speaking countries in your Spanish class? I love teaching about countries and geography. I’ve found myself teaching a lot about Spain in recent years and have designed many activities for a Spain lesson plan that have been transformative in my classroom. After teaching any of these activities from my Spain […]
A Complete Collection of 15 Activities to Teach About Food in Spanish Class

Everybody loves teaching about food in Spanish class! It is also one of our students’ favorite units. But I always found that a food unit with vocabulary that focused on common American food like hamburguesas y papas fritas was pretty boring. Yes, our students need to know vocabulary that is of interest to them, but […]
How to Teach 180 Daily Facts About Countries in One School Year

There are 180 days of school. There are 21 Spanish-speaking countries. Can you share one fact a day about these countries, so by the end of the school year, your students have learned 180 fun, cultural daily facts? I’m here to show you that you CAN! Are you up for the challenge? There is no […]
Use Story Prompt Cards to Spice Up Your Writing & Speaking Activities

Are you looking for a way to spice up your classroom communicative activities? Do students need more inspiration during creative writing tasks? Let me show you how story prompt cards can spice up your communicative tasks. With just one set of story prompt cards, you can have endless options for creative writing and speaking activities […]
11 Activities for Fast Finishers to Keep Students Busy and Happy

We all have them… fast finishers. Those students that work through a task or exam so quickly that they have to sit and twiddle their thumbs for 20 minutes. My fear was that during an observation, administration would see a few students who completed their work and were “bored.” So, to keep these fast finishers […]
Don’t Let Winter in Spanish Class Get You Down with these Fun Activities

Don’t let this winter be a bleak, boring, long stretch of time. This winter in Spanish class, fill your lessons with fun activities that relate to culture, weather, and holidays. All of these Spanish activities will keep your students in the target language, practicing all three modes of communication. And we all know that January through […]